Wednesday, August 19, 2009

He came, he conquered

It was the beginning of my second semester. A bunch of us regular Chamu fans (:P) decided to go back to his tuition. To my surprise, I found quite a few guys from my class on the first day there. Not all of them were my 'friends' but it kinda felt nice to have familiar faces around.

Among all of them was this goofy, crazy guy with a wacky sense of humour, who used to make stupid jokes and make sure at least most of us laughed at it (and that 'most of us' almost always included me :P). The times we spent together used to be filled with laughter, laughter and more laughter! Not once had the situation been serious with him around.

This is how his self-description goes:

Once upon a time in a far far away land there lived a person(wether the person is a guy or gal is upto whoever is reading this) and he\she was called X.Now X learnt of a new thing called internet and set to explore a world of possibilities.Mid-way X came across some writing whcih he\she simply could not make out the purpose of its existence but still carried on reading it until X reached a point in the script with the word "screw"......SCREW....if u didn't understand what this whole story was about then now u know me very well.I almost always have as much sense and purpose as the above story!Cheers!(if u wanna know real thins abt me then ask me and i'll tell....or at least try to control myself long enough to tell u in a way u will understand...)

Get it? ;)

I learned to ride the bike from him, a pulsar 180. The first time I got on it was in Premier, after a game of pool. After that there were frequent rides inside the college campus, and it used to be exhilarating!

Within a span of two to three months, he'd become one of my best friends :)

I dreaded the end of the second sem, since we were gonna be split up into our respective branches. But with the power of the cellphone, nothing could keep any of us away from each other :) I used to wait in class for him to start off some nutty conversation, and the rest of my day used to go super smooth :) I know that was what prevented him from sleeping in class as well ;)

That one trip to Waynad, I will never forget. He along with Shakeeb were the ones who made me feel that it was OK to feel the way I was feeling (let's not get into details). And that was the only time we got some photos of both of us together, since we had never taken any. Some of the best ones that I have!

Just 4 days after that I called him up, made plans for the next day to go to the Maddur Cafe Coffee Day. He got super excited as usual.... another biking trip! At 1 a.m, I got a call, and it froze me. I was never gonna speak again to the guy whom I'd spoken to a couple of hours ago. It took me a while to realize what exactly had happened. I didn't know whom to talk to, I didn't know who could console me. That was the most awful night of my life.

SHARAN.. I miss you. I've missed you the last two and a half years in college, I've missed you every time we went to CCD. I've missed you every time I got bugged in class, I've missed you every time I saw a girl riding a bike with a friend sitting behind her. I've missed sitting in Nescafe and watching you walk out of the class with that bag on your shoulder, that knowing smile you used to give as you walked towards me. And you know what I do when I'm bored? I go through your Orkut profile. Makes me laugh every single time! :)

Wherever you are, I just want you to know that you've left a mark on every single person you met here, whether they were your friends or not. And I can bet, every single one of us loved you, and we always will!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

An ode to the ones back home!

The moment I created my blog, I knew most of the posts would be written when I would be away from home. And of all the things 'back home' I miss the most, there's SJCE (my ACTUAL home ;) ), home food (never thought I'd ever say this), but before all these come MY PEOPLE. Some of the posts which follow will have my 'tributes' to them and our friendship :)

I love you guys!