Friday, September 18, 2009


Disclaimer: Not one of my usual posts! Something special dedicated to someone very special :)

People reading the title might think this is one of those philosophical stories about what I've learnt in life and what  I'd like to preach to others. The good news is this has nothing to do with that :P This is about me thanking life for giving me someone without whom I would never be the person I am today.

While I'm eternally grateful to my parents for giving me the life I'm leading right now, thankful to my friends for being with me, for me, loving me so much, this is dedicated to that one person who has made life worth living. It might sound sleazy, but there would be no life for me without him!

All those people who know me closely would agree in a moment that I'm blunt, sometimes arrogant, ill-tempered (I can add a lot of negative qualities ;) ), etc. I've always been like that, and sometimes I myself term it as being 'spoilt' ;) As a teenager I had a picture of the 'guy' I'd end up with some day: tall, FAIR (my mom still teases me saying I have a crush on every other fair guy I see :P), handsome, someone who'll listen to everything I say, do everything I ask him to do. That was all I really wanted then. Now that I think about it, and I've told this time and again to a couple of my friends, I was wrong. That was not all I wanted.

Then in a very meticulously planned situation (thanks Abhi!), I met this guy. Initially I had absolutely no 'feelings' for him. Then as I got to know him better I started to have a 'tingling' feeling ;) And as usual I assumed it to be a passing crush! Little did I know that was not what was meant to be :) After the usual rounds of 'flirting' (he still claims he didn't flirt ;) ), he 'expressed' what he felt, and I'd always thought I'd have to take the initiative ;) The feeling I got at that moment, I'm never gonna forget in my life! I don't think I've ever been that happy, and I don't think I'll experience it for quite some time.

He fit my initial 'idea' perfectly: tall, fair, handsome (although he thinks he's not), plus so many qualities I hadn't even thought of. That's why now I realize he's more than what I could've asked for. He gives me advice when I need it the most, he guides me whenever I'm stuck in any situation, he knows when I'm upset and how to calm me down, basically he's the only one who can 'handle' me ;) And most of the times I don't even have to say a word! He has an amazing ear for music. He can actually sing pretty well too, but never sings out loud ;) Our 'qualities' are almost exactly opposite to each other. I guess that's why we complement each other so well :) I agree there are tiffs sometimes, but then it's all part of the game!

Sometimes the blunt me says to him 'oh stop being so boring!'. I bet any other person would've got offended easily, but he says 'I know' and keeps quiet. I just want him to know that no matter how boring I feel he is sometimes, there is no other person in the world I'd rather spend every boring moment with! (Most people might find it cheesy, but it's the truth :))

We have been 'WE' for almost two and a half years now, and it's been an amazing journey. I've learnt so much from him, and apparently he's also changed quite a bit (I've HEARD for the good ;)). And I'm extremely excited about the journey ahead of us, and I'm sure we'll stick by each other no matter what :)

I've always been bummed about how boring both of our names are ;) And although half the world already knows, now I declare: You are what LIFE is to me, and it's only gonna get better from here on :)

P.S: I love this pic! :)