Saturday, January 2, 2010

To the most beautiful woman in the world...

Everyone needs a person in their life who is their pillar of strength, someone so rich in experience that they can solve your biggest problem in a jiffy, someone helpful who would be by your side whenever you need them. This is a dedication to such a woman who has not only touched a lot of lives, but in her own way made the world a better place for her loved ones to live in :)

Born on 3rd January, 1930 as A. Raju, she is the eldest of 12 siblings. Would've gone on to become an adept Doctor, if only her father had let her go to Mysore to study. She came to be known as Vasantha Rama Rao, as her in-laws thought that would be fancier than Raju ;) According to stories we've heard, life wasn't a bed of roses for her. But this is about the nicer parts of her life, so we'll not touch that bit :)

I had always been closer to the male members of my immediate family. I always was a Daddy's girl, I was closer to Thatha as he was the one who used to drop me to school, even pick up a classmate of mine on the way ;) Slowly, as I grew up, I could see how the women ran the house. Although I didn't understand it then, I've come to realize how difficult a job that is! (Not that I'm RUNNING a house, but still :P)

When we moved out of Thatha-Ajji's place, I used to visit them pretty frequently. And it was then that I could see how much Ajji needed to cope with. For one, Thatha's health was deteriorating. Apart from having to take care of his food, medicines, etc. she also had to take care of the hired help who used to look after Thatha. And boy, was that a herculean task! From nurses who just left without informing to people who would steal, or even sneak away some of Thatha's food, she has dealt with all of them in a way none of us could've!

The best part of having Ajji at home is the unlimited number of stories we get to hear, most starting with 'nam kaaladalli'(during our times) ;) More than me it was Pavan who gets to hear most of her stories, thanks to my not being home most of the time and now having moved out of Mysore. There was an added advantage of them being roomies! From stories of how her big family grew up in a small house, to how she adjusted to her new life(and name) after marriage, there were lots of stories! And the best part is she remembers all of them down to their minutest detail! And it's just not family stories. There are stories about neighbors, Thatha's friends and their friends and their friends :P

I remember Chikki telling me once: if you're feeling sad, angry, confused, frustrated, irritated, anything you think you cannot handle, just go talk to Ajji. She may not always understand exactly what you're going through, but she'll certainly talk you out of your dilemmas! I've never tried it till now, but I've seen it work pretty well for a lot of people :)

One of her favorite things to do: watch Cricket! Any important or not-so-important match and you'll find her glued to the TV, even updating Pavan from time to time when he's studying or in the hospital attending to sick people ;) She gives me company when I'm watching tennis too but somehow Cricket has always been her favorite, much to Amma's annoyance :P She'd probably even beat Amma at who can be more tech savvy :D

I crave all those yummy dishes she specializes in, starting from the simple yet delicious fruit salad to her famous biscuit cake and Cold Delight :) I even remember coughing a little more so that she would fry some extra badams for me ;) (yeah now my secret is out!). As soon as it nears November, she starts preparing the eLLu for Sankranti. The perfection with which she cuts the bella and kobbari is commendable!

She's been a devoted daughter, a loving sister, a dedicated wife, a warm aunt, a caring mother, a respected mother-in-law and a doting grandmother. And she has more then excelled at all those positions!

Raju atthe/doDDamma, Vasantha atthe/doDDamma, Raju ajji as Hanki calls her, Azzzzzzzi as Pavan calls her.. We love you a lot!

Wish you a very happy birthday :) May you stay as young and lively forever!

P.S: Happy birthday to Michael Schumacher too ;)