Saturday, June 27, 2009

A new day, a new beginning...

I just arrived at Hyderabad 2 hours ago. And it feels like I'm in Belgaum! :) I felt the heat the moment we landed, but that's something I'll have to get used to.

And about the thing I 'wasn't feeling', I finally felt it. Two hours before leaving from home! And it hit me bad. But that's something else I need to get used to.

There'll be lots of 'new's, and I'm preparing myself to embrace all of it :)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

What am I feeling?

Seems like it all happened barely a month ago. I still clearly remember going early, meeting up friends and making fun of this short guy who was talking crap on stage! Then began an indescribable journey, with lots of highs and lows. And today, all of a sudden, IT'S ALL OVER! Here I am sitting at home, having completed my final project demo. I'm the type of person who very easily gets nostalgic, and surprisingly, today, I'm feeling NOTHING! Above all this, I'm supposed to be moving out in one week! I've started meeting people who I HAVE to meet before leaving, I've started making a list of things to be taken with me, and it's just not hitting me that I've to go to an alien land, make friends all over again, and survive!

Friday, June 12, 2009


Here are 20 things I'm addicted to and just can't go a day without! (in no order of preference)

1. My cellphone- I become frantic if I can't find it for 5 minutes!
2. My bed- The thing that relaxes me after a day of hard work (yeah right :P).
3. Orkut- People might say whatever they want, it still is one of the best networking sites!
4. Themes- The Roger Federer themes on my phone :) I'm more obsessed with than addicted to them! I keep changing them every 12 hours.
5. Barney Stinson- Neil Patrick Harris actually! He's the reason I'm addicted to HIMYM :) (expect a lot of entries on this particular addiction of mine!)
6. Texting- even my orthodontist jeered me about it today!
7. Tantalizing - I have a lot of references! One goes by the name Ranganath Rao :D gives me a high!
8. Bacardi White Rum- also gets me high! ;) has also helped me join a cult.
9. Driving- It's the most fun thing to do on an open road (till now)!
10. Dancing- Just give me a floor and some music!
11. A certain someone :) - My day doesn't end without bugging him! :P (especially during my exams when I'm super crazy!)
12. SJCE- The place which has been (almost first) home to me for the last four years.
13. Yampa- Mango milkshake (in summer) and cold coffee (otherwise).
14. Sleep- I think it is addicted to me :P
15. People- I would never survive on an isolated island!
16. Laughing- If I start I can go on for an hour, even at midnight! (ask 'A certain someone' :P)
17. Mayonnaise- An addiction off-late.
18. Advising- I'm actually not addicted to it, but since it seems to help people I dole it out a lot!
19. Sarees- I'd prefer them anyday over salwars! And apparently I look pretty good in them ;)
20. Ouchy-in-my-mouth- I vowed just yesterday that I won't be one of those people who blog everyday. And yet here I am! :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The one where it all begins!

Hello! Let's start with a formal introduction. I'm Pavithra Joshi, born and brought up in Mysore. I'm 21, and about to write my exams of my final semester in engineering (they start tomorrow!!). With just one fortnight to go for me to move out of my hometown, I felt the need to share with the world some important events that have transpired in my life. This blog is about all those unforgettable moments spent at 'home', all those people who've made life so much fun and my journey from being a kid who never used to stay at home much to a grown up who's very much gonna miss being at home!

So here goes..

(Btw I dedicate this first entry to Ashwij :) he's the one who first suggested the idea, saying 'your life is so interesting, people would love to read about it'! I hope I don't let you down.)