Friday, June 12, 2009


Here are 20 things I'm addicted to and just can't go a day without! (in no order of preference)

1. My cellphone- I become frantic if I can't find it for 5 minutes!
2. My bed- The thing that relaxes me after a day of hard work (yeah right :P).
3. Orkut- People might say whatever they want, it still is one of the best networking sites!
4. Themes- The Roger Federer themes on my phone :) I'm more obsessed with than addicted to them! I keep changing them every 12 hours.
5. Barney Stinson- Neil Patrick Harris actually! He's the reason I'm addicted to HIMYM :) (expect a lot of entries on this particular addiction of mine!)
6. Texting- even my orthodontist jeered me about it today!
7. Tantalizing - I have a lot of references! One goes by the name Ranganath Rao :D gives me a high!
8. Bacardi White Rum- also gets me high! ;) has also helped me join a cult.
9. Driving- It's the most fun thing to do on an open road (till now)!
10. Dancing- Just give me a floor and some music!
11. A certain someone :) - My day doesn't end without bugging him! :P (especially during my exams when I'm super crazy!)
12. SJCE- The place which has been (almost first) home to me for the last four years.
13. Yampa- Mango milkshake (in summer) and cold coffee (otherwise).
14. Sleep- I think it is addicted to me :P
15. People- I would never survive on an isolated island!
16. Laughing- If I start I can go on for an hour, even at midnight! (ask 'A certain someone' :P)
17. Mayonnaise- An addiction off-late.
18. Advising- I'm actually not addicted to it, but since it seems to help people I dole it out a lot!
19. Sarees- I'd prefer them anyday over salwars! And apparently I look pretty good in them ;)
20. Ouchy-in-my-mouth- I vowed just yesterday that I won't be one of those people who blog everyday. And yet here I am! :)

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